Dr. Kumkum Modwel Recommends:

What Is A URI?

An upper respiratory tract infection, or upper respiratory infection (URI), is an acute infection of the head and chest, affecting the nasal passages, throat, sinuses and/or ears. URIs are contagious and very common, with more than 3 million cases each year in United States. Most URIs resolve on their own within two weeks even without treatment, but be prepared for symptoms to be at their worst during the first 3 to 5 days prior to symptoms steadily improving over the course of the two weeks.

Treatment For A URI:

Unfortunately, antibiotics, which only work on bacterial infections, aren’t an effective form of treatment for URIs because URIs are typically caused by viruses. Luckily, URI symptoms can be alleviated with oral decongestants (except in people with heart disease), nasal sprays, throat sprays, pain relievers, cough suppressants, etc. (depending on which part of the upper airway is being affected).

When To Get Help:

In some cases, upper respiratory infections don’t go away on their own, and can become much worse. Secondary bacterial infections, such as bacterial sinusitis, otitis media (inflammation of the middle ear), bronchitis, or pneumonia can occur when the physical barrier in the respiratory airways becomes impaired, making it easier for bacteria to invade. In this case, further treatment such as antibiotics would be required.

If you’re experiencing any of the symptoms listed below, contact Community Health Associates today at (203) 270-1077 to schedule an appointment:
  • Shortness of breath
  • Tightness in your chest
  • Painful cough lasting longer than two weeks
  • Flu like symptoms with a Fever of 101F should be seen within 48hrs to be treated by antivirals
  • Persistent swollen glands
  • Sore throat lasting longer than 3 to 4 days